Nationality: Filipino
Educational Background:
- MA in Education, Adamson University
- MSc in Electronics Engineering, De La Salle University
- BS in Electronics and Communications Engineering, Batangas State University
Role/s in the Project:
I am responsible for the Camera Mission (CAM) of the BIRDS-4 Satellite Project. This mission captures images using a commercial-of-the-shelf (COTS) camera. Serving as the eye of the satellite from space, the camera mission functions to take images during deployment and capture the participating countries in various modes, image resolution and quality. Aside from this, I also help in the design and development of a standardized back plane board (BPB) which holds the boards together and serves as a bus for inter-board connections and power supply.
Moreover, I oversee the media outreach of the satellite project by managing social network services and sharing various information about the project so that the stakeholders and the people are well-informed of what is happening about the project.
How do you feel about being part of BIRDS-4 Satellite Project?
It is a privilege and honor to be chosen as one of the engineers who will build the 4th satellite for the Philippines and help out in building Paraguay’s first. Working with multi-disciplinary people from various countries allows me to communicate more effectively and inculcate more knowledge not only in building a satellite but also managing tasks in the project. As the Philippines ventures more in space and space exploration, this is a great platform for me to contribute what I know and at the same time acquire skills that I can use when I return back to my country and teach.
Any advice to people who are interested to be part of a satellite project in the future?
As this kind of project may require time effort and sacrifices, this is also great avenue for an engineer to enhance his skills and gain more experience. When you are given an opportunity like this, seize the moment and make the most out of it.